The Street Preacher's Hymns

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Have you heard the Saviour's call,

To go, and seek the lost?

For Him you love, to give your all,

Whatever it might cost.

The hour is late, He's coming soon,

The midnight call is near;

A world that's broke and sunk in sin,

In hopelessness and fear.

O who will go, with broken heart,

A burning heart of love;

To tell of Christ and call apart,

The lost He came to save.

How shall they hear, the Master said,

Unless the gospel's preached?

Lay down your life, the world to tread,

Until the lost are reached.

Go, Jesus said, to all the world,

And preach His lovely name;

The banner of His love unfurl,

And glorify Your King.

(Tune: Kilmarnock; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 19th March 2024)

Spirit of the Living God!

O Spirit of the living God,

Come in Thy quickening power;

With holy unction on Thy word,

And sinners' hearts to stir.

O Breath of God, breathe on us now,

Awaken sleeping souls;

Without a care and on the brow,

Of everlasting loss.

Spirit Divine, Thy servants rouse,

To pray and preach with tears;

From fruitless service set us loose,

In power, come rend our hearts.

Spirit of God, Thy servants fill,

Baptise us Holy Ghost;

The preaching of Thy word to seal,

Salvation to the lost.

Spirit of God, open our eyes,

To see again the Christ;

To preach His blood, lift up His cross,

In Spirit-given power.

Holy Spirit, of God and Christ,

Not wealth and honour give;

But let us live, for this exist,

Men's souls from hell to save.

(Tune: Belmont; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 19th March 2024)

Raise Up Thy  Servants!

Lord, care Thou not that men are lost,

In myriads going to hell;

With none to preach and speak of Christ,

And of His love to tell.

Lord, raise up men and call them out,

And give them hearts that burn;

With love for Thee and for the lost,

From sin and death to turn.

Lord, give us sons of thunder now,

To cry and give no rest;

That trembling sinners yet may bow,

Before Thy Son, Thy Christ.

Lord, give us men with hearts of love,

Filled with the Holy Ghost;

No fear of man but strong and brave,

And save a mighty host.

Lord, show Thy mercy once again,

Before the Judge descends;

And send that blessed latter rain,

Grant life that never ends.

(Tune: Ayrshire; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 20th March 2024)

Who Will Go?

Who will with the gospel, go?

Into the world for Christ:

To preach His word that men might know,

The Father's precious gift.

Who will a dying world tell,

Of Jesus and His love;

Of how He came to earth to dwell,

And die the lost to save.

Who will to sinners go, and bid,

Be reconciled to God;

The way is open, Christ has died,

And raised up from the dead.

Who will tell of God's great love,

For rebels, lost, undone;

So save them from the eternal grave,

In sending them his Son.

Who will their life for Christ lay down,

And pay the utmost cost;

To bear his cross, receive a crown,

You cannot suffer loss.

(Tune: Orton; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 21st March 2024)

Give Me a Heart of Tears!

Give me a heart of tears,

For man, who's lost in sin;

A heart upon my knees that breaks,

And burns with love within.

Remove the hardness, Lord,

And shift the unbelief;

Increase my faith, my trust in God,

To speak the word of life.

A heart like Yours, dear Lord,

Compassionate and kind;

For those upon the road that's broad,

And in their sin made blind.

O with a heart that burns,

To go and lift my voice;

Proclaim Thy love, a heart that yearns,

To see them saved by grace.

Come, stir within me, Lord,

To feel Thy presence near,

To walk with Thee, the narrow road,

And none but Thee to fear.

(Tune: Naomi; SM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 23rd March 2024)

Too Much!

What thanks, dear Lord, I owe to You,

How best can I express?

My sin, my death, yes, all my due,

You bore upon the cross.

What sacrifice of zeal's too much,

What length's too far to go?

To take Your dying love to such,

As need Your grace to know.

What scoffing shame can I not bear,

What suffering's too great?

A world of sin and guilt You bore,

To open heaven's gate.

There's nothing, Lord, You cannot ask,

No sacrifice too great;

For You, I give myself to task,

My all without restraint.

(Tune: St Andrew; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 22nd March 2024)

I Want a Heart Like Christ!

I want a heart that loves all men,

A heart like Christ my Lord;

I want a faith, and love divine,

Shed in my heart abroad.

I want a heart that weeps for men,

Before Thy throne of grace;

I want to know God's power within,

And feel His heavenly breeze.

I want to have a strong desire,

A burning heart of love;

I want to feel Thy Spirit stir,

And set me free to give.

I want the Holy Ghost to come,

With unction from above;

Remove all fear, and loose my tongue,

To spread my Jesus' love.

I want the fullness of Thy love,

Dear Saviour, more of Thee;

In faith and love for Thee to live,

And give myself away.

(Tune: Bays of Harris; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 24th March 2024)

That Old Rugged Cross!

That cross is old, rugged and worn,

But never lost its power;

Where Jesus bled, all bruised and torn,

The love of God laid bare.

That cross is old, but ever new,

Its blood is ever fresh;

The power of sin, its deepest hue,

Remove and wrath appease.

That cross is old, yet still the place,

Where peace with God is found;

Where righteousness and sovereign grace,

For man in sin fast-bound.

That old and rugged cross of shame,

A Son who's born to save;

To take man's shame, remove his blame,

In reconciling love.

And from that cross, the Saviour calls,

Who shed His precious blood;

Be washed, made clean, Jesus, He cries,

Today be reconciled!

(Tune: Grafenberg; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 25th March 2024)

From the Darkness!

Lord, from the darkness of this night,

I cry, my God to Thee;

And on my weary path give light,

Midst all my misery.

O blesséd Sun of righteousness,

Shine in the dark and gloom;

And from the throes of helplessness,

To hear Thee bid me, come!

Out of the depths of slough's despond,

The blackness of my sin;

Deliver Thou, my soul, dear Lord,

And cleanse me deep within.

O Holy Spirit, God in Christ,

Come, seal me once again;

Enable me, Thy blood to trust,

And take away my sin.

Lord, let me feel again Thy love,

The fullness of Thy joy,

The thrill of grace, and long to live,

And walk the narrow way.

(Tune: Crimmond; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 2nd April 2024)

Lord, I've Wandered!

Lord, I have wandered far from You,

My heart is frozen, cold;

I've lost the love that I once knew

O draw me back, dear Lord.

O from my pining soul's distress,

Come melt my heart again,

That I once more might hear Your voice,

And know that I'm forgiven.

My Jesus, Lord, the sinner's Friend,

Before Your cross I come;

My only plea, Your precious blood,

Yet makes the foulest clean.

Return me, Lord, to my first love,

Come, break my stony heart;

O come my soul again revive,

The grace again impart.

(Tune: Zalzburg; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 3rd April 2024)

Hope in Thy Mercy!

My hope is in Thy mercy, Lord,

My soul doth wait on Thee;

As one that waits for morn' to dawn,

Have pity, Lord, on me.

In sin's dark night, and deep despair,

O'erwhelmed with guilt and doom;

O Jesus Lord! My soul restore,

And save me from this gloom.

O God of grace and mercy free,

Of overflowing good;

I cast my wretched sins on Thee,

Show mercy to me, Lord.

With all my sin and sorrow, Lord,

Jesus, I come to Thee;

In faith and hope, as Thou hast bid,

O cast me not away.

Mercy is yet Thy great delight,

Then show it Lord to me;

Wash, and cleanse me from my guilt,

My soul from sin set free.

(Tune: Retreat; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 4th April 2024)

A Pardoning God!

O Lord our God, what pardoning grace is Thine,

What grace outpoured, what awesome cost to Thee;

For love to us, and pardon for our sin,

Thy precious blood for our iniquity.

Herein is love, and love beyond degree,

The man of sorrows bowed to lowest dust;

To live and love, and left for us to die,

For Adam's sinful race, for sinners, lost.

What sacrifice! The Son of God for man,

His life, His breath, his every drop of blood;

Thy wrath appease, remove and take our sin,

To bring us wanderers back to God.

How can we thank, what off'ring can we make,

Render to Thee for such a love as this?

Our hearts and lives, our every moment take,

And through our all, to magnify Thy grace!

(Tune: Eventide; 10 10. 10 10)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 5th April 2024)

Waiting for the Lord!

O Lord, my soul doth wait on Thee,

My hope is in Thy word;

Unseal the springs, reveal to me,

Their treasures me afford.

My soul, O Lord, doth rest in Thee,

I have no other hope;

The broken cisterns fail and flee,

In Thee alone's my help.

O horrid is the taste of sin,

Vile to Thy cross I fly;

Thy blood alone my sin can cleanse

To Thee, dear Lord, I cry

I wait before Thy throne, O Lord,

Prostrate before Thy cross;

In faith, I wait, make good Thy word,

Come, Lord in pardoning grace.

O Lord, my soul doth wait on Thee,

My hope is in Thy word;

Make good Thy truth, seal unto me,

The pardon of my God.

(Tune: Ayrshire; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 6th April 2024)

Blessed Be Our God!

O blessed be the Lord our God,

For His electing grace;

For choosing us before the world,

Behold Him face to face.

All glory to our God most high,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord;

That through his precious blood made nigh,

And reconciled to God.

We praise the glory of His grace,

For free redeeming love;

Who sent His Son, our souls to bless,

With Him in heaven to live.

O blessed be our Father God,

Who chose us for His own;

And with His promised Spirit sealed,

And given the earn'st of heaven.

(Tune: Kilmarnock; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 7th April 2024)

My Soul Awaits the Dawn!

My soul doth wait, awaits the dawn,

For sin's dark night to end;

To see the Sun, the bright fair morn,

My soul, lift up your head.

My soul doth wait, e'en more than they,

That for the morning light;

He's coming soon, O blesséd day!

My soul for Him doth wait.

My soul doth wait, for Him to see;

With healing in His wings;

My Jesus, in His majesty,

My soul for Him doth long.

My soul doth wait, come quickly, Lord,

Thou mighty, conquering Son;

And take me up, heav'ns table land,

Forever, with Thee soon!

(Tune: Belmont; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 8th April 2024)

He Comes!

He comes! He comes! In glory comes!

Our Lord from heaven appears;

He'll raise us up, His blood-bought saints,

The Sun of righteousness.

He comes! He comes! O blesséd hope,

And seen by every eye;

Through all the years He's been our help,

Now, through eternal day.

He comes! He comes! The time is nigh,

Look up and bless the Lord;

With Him always, and ne'er to die,

Forever with our God.

He comes! He comes! Our glorious King,

Upon the clouds of heav'n;

He comes with healing in His wings,

Salvation from all sin.

He comes! He comes! Look up in faith,

In steadfast loving trust;

He comes, in shining glory forth,

And brings eternal rest.

(Tune: Effingham; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 10th April 2024)

Until the Shadows Flee Away!

Through storm and tempest, in this fallen world,

While waiting for the great and glorious day;

Trusting in Jesus, Saviour and our Lord,

Until the shadows - all flee away.

We have an anchor, holding steadfast sure,

While all the billows, roll, and make us sway;

Held firm in Jesus' arms, and secure,

Until the shadows - all flee away.

Dark is the way, with dangers, toils and snares,

Prone still to wander, yet to go astray;

His precious word delivers us from fears,

Until the shadows - all flee away.

Fightings within, and fightings without,

Devils affright, and seek to alienate;

What God has joined, they cannot disunite,

Until the shadows - all flee away.

Death's shadow looms, and Jordan's waters flow,

How will we face that last and dreadful day;

Jesus, our Saviour will not let us go,

Until the shadows - all flee away.

(Tune: Eventide; 10. 10. 10. 10)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 9th April 2024)

Take My Sorrows!

Lord, take my sorrows and my cares,

And all that makes me grieve;

The tests and trials, and all life's blows,

And drown them in Thy love.

There is a balm for every wound,

For every given sore;

The overflowing fount of good,

In love so true and pure.

Lord, let me plunge myself in Thee,

That I might find repose;

Lost In Thy love's immensity,

In that old rugged cross.

Jesus, my Lord, my crucified,

O magnify my soul;

Behold again, Thou lamb of God,

Who died to make me whole.

So Jesus, let me gaze upon,

Thy glory, Lord, once more;

And in Thy glory lose my pain,

With joy, my cross to bear.

(Tune: Orton; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 17th April 2024)

God is Love!

God is love, unchanging love,

Unsullied, faithful love;

In Father, Son and Spirit too,

Love endless, ever true.

God is love, it's written clear,

In God's own word, it's there;

For all to see and know His love,

Sent down from heaven above.

God is love, His Triune love,

The Father sent to save;

His one eternal Son to die,

His love for us, O why?

God is love, go tell the world,

The cross where Jesus died;

There, see His reconciling love,

For all He came to save.

God is love, O wondrous love,

Unsullied, faithful love;

In Triune grace, so full, so free,

His love for you and me.

(Tune: Retreat; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 18th April 2024)

Sweet Jesus!

O come, dear Lord, in Jesus' name,

Reveal Thy Son in me;

In mercy come and take my shame,

There is no other way.

O'ercome my heart, with melting grace,

And break my hardened heart;

Thy love o'erpower and bring release,

And Thy salvation grant.

Jesus, my Lord, I look to Thee,

I look to Thee for rest;

To Thee alone, my only plea,

My Lord, my sovereign Christ.

In faith alone, I bring my sins,

I bring my burdened soul;

For Thou must pardon, Thou alone,

In love to reconcile.

Sweet Jesus, Lord, I give Thee thanks,

Thou suffering Lamb of God;

Who took my cup of wrath and drank,

Thy love for me my God!

(Tune: Salzburg; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 19th April 2024)

Desiring Christ!

My heart doth ache and long for Thee,

It is my greatest pain;

It's not the comfort, hope or joy,

But Thou, my Lord, alone.

To drink and sing, to sing and drink,

Beside the Well of Love;

My dry and thirsty soul to slake,

My soul for Thee doth crave.

Communion with Thee, Christ my Lord,

My life, my only joy;

Come shed Thy love my heart abroad,

Till I be filled of Thee.

I do not seek for heaven itself,

But Thou, Lord Christ, I seek;

Nor all this world with all its wealth,

Of Thee, O let me drink.

(Tune: Orton; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 21st April 2024)

My Great High Priest!

My Brother sits upon His throne,

My King and great High Priest;

He bore my sorrows and my pain,

And holds me to His breast.

He's trod my path through every test,

And carried all my griefs;

Endured a bleeding, broken heart,

My God, and my High Priest.

He stoops to me a melting eye,

And an attentive ear;

He even understands my, why?

He knows He's felt, He's near.

His fragrance hangs on every cup,

I drink throughout this vale;

His blood I trace on all I sup;

He knows, just how I feel.

My Jesus, Lord, belovéd Christ,

I come with every grief;

And in Thy bosom, Lord seek rest;

O grant me Thy relief.

(Tune: Retreat; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 22nd April 2024)

Seek the Lord!

O seek the Lord, and know His love,

Thy house of clay shall fall;

For Heaven calls, Thy soul to live,

Come one, come sinners all!

Death and judgment surely wait,

That Day it hastens on;

For Adam's race, it is their fate,

Lest Christ thou rest upon.

O seek a broken heart for sin,

Lay hold on Christ's dear love;

Doubt not he died, and suffered pain,

Thy soul to love and save.

Thy time will not be long down here,

Eternity comes fast;

Incline Thine ear, the Saviour hear,

And follow Him at last.

O seek, desire, salvation now,

Wait not one moment more;

Before that blood-stained cross lay low,

For thee, thy sins He bore.

(Tune: Martyrdom; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 23rd April 2024)

Tribulation & Trial!

Through tribulation and through trial,

God's kingdom's entered in;

And through these trials, our souls thrive well,

Each one, a stepping stone.

O for a meek, submissive heart,

His word, my only guide;

And cling to Him, my Lord and Christ,

And in His love abide.

Although thy path be strewn with pain,

Alone with none to care;

Forward! Forward! And on to heaven,

Thy Christ awaits Thee there.

Though now thy heart be full of grief,

And devils round thee howl;

Thy Lord of love shall bring relief,

And bring Thee through it all.

O wait, I say, upon thy Lord,

He will not let thee go;

However long, and hard the road,

He's conquered every foe.

(Tune: Belmont; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 25th April 2024)

As Long!

As long as the grass shall grow,

As long as the Wind shall blow;

As long as the gospel's preached;

The lost of this world, they shall be reached.

As long as the sea shall swell,

As long as the tides shall rise and fall;

As long as the Saviour shall call,

Before His sovereign feet they'll fall.

As long as this broken world shall last,

As long as men shall hear the trumpet blast;

As long as men hear the gospel's plea,

Their eyes shall be opened, and Jesus they'll see.

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 26th April 2024)

The Love of  Christ!

How deep the depth of timeless love,

A love beyond degree,

That's strong and mighty, ne'er shall leave,

The love of Christ for me.

Not all the powers of hell and sin,

Or heavy loads I bear;

I ebb and flow, I wax and wane,

His love, it knows no wear.

His love has fingers strong as death,

The mighty love of Christ;

There's none on earth can plumb its depth,

And none can break its grasp.

O for the love to love Him more,

Who's altogether love;

To feel His warmth, and know He's near,

My soul is sick for love.

(Tune: Salzburg; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 26th April 2024)

Incarnate God!

An incarnate God, t'was an absolute must,

The Eternal God married to the dust;

The Ancient of Days placed a tomb,

In God's fair kingdom, for us make room.

Glory! Glory! To my everlasting King,

He's gone to heaven, me to bring;

O how I sigh and long for that dawn,

O for the coming, of the Son of Man!

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 27th April 2024)

My Well-Beloved!

O Christ, my Lord, my well-beloved,

His beauty it doth shine;

The fairest of the sons of men,

My soul, for He doth pine.

The sweetness of my well-beloved,

How rich His powerful voice;

He drew me, loved me, stole my heart,

Forever His by choice.

My fair and dearest well-beloved,

One drop of love from Thee;

T'would melt and break the hardest heart,

And He to love, made free.

O dost thou know my well-beloved,

Come, take Thy fill of love;

Thy empty vessel, let Him fill,

Thy soul from death to save.

O Jesus is my well-beloved,

Who Adam's sons doth love;

He's overcome the power of sin,

My well-beloved to save.

(Tune: Orton; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 28th April 2024)

When Satan's Loosed!

When Satan and his cohorts come,

Let loose upon thy house;

Welcome thou, blood-stained cross, welcome,

And to thy Saviour's wounds.

Knock and knock, lie upon His door,

And bring His promised Word;

The weakest cry, He's pledged to hear,

Thy faithful covenant, Lord,

It is the path, thy Saviour trod,

He's won the victory;

The war is won, and we're assured,

Of vict'ry midst our frey.

So hold thy ground when Satan's loosed,

And all his cohorts rave;

Onward, and upward, stand thy ground,

On God's redeeming love.

(Tune: St Andrew; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 3rd May 2024)

Assurance in Affliction!

Though grief and sorrow mark thy path,

Be thou not o'er dismayed;

Through present floods, thine arms stretch forth,

Towards the promised land.

His Earnest of the Spirit's given,

The joy of grace assured;

A guarantee, the pledge of heav'n,

The glory His Land.

So long for God, to see His face,

Rejoice and rest assured;

He welcomes thee to seek His grace,

Thy heart again, make glad.

Come oft to Him, speak with thy Lord,

In prayer, to Him draw nigh;

Therein His house of wine, thy God,

And in His bosom lie

Be oft communing with thy Lord,

In hearing of His voice;

For there He'll meet thee, in His word,

And to thy soul bring peace.

(Tune: St Paul; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 1st May 2024)

Woe is Me!

Woe is me, bowed down my soul,

Tormented night and day;

My heart weighed down, with sorrow full,

Thy rod, my God, please stay.

Thy strokes upon me, tarry long,

Life's bitter unto me;

Amid the tides and tempests strong,

No sight, my Lord of Thee.

I bless Thee Lord, there's death and heaven,

This cup's been drank before;

My Captain Christ, hath drank it down,

My every stripe He bore.

Through faith in Thee, my sovereign Christ,

I'll fight, and I shall win;

The world, its prince, whate'er they cast,

There's none shall have my crown.

(Tune: Ayrshire; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 2nd May 2024)

God's Presence in Trial!

In sick or health, in midst of trial,

Whatever, Thou dost send;

Speak, Lord, and let me feel Thy smile,

And know it's from Thy hand.

To know Thy consolations, Lord,

In bitter agony;

A rod or crown, whate'er my need,

But not without Thee, God.

Much better sick, and failing health,

With Thee besides my bed;

Than strong in health and full of wealth,

And never know Thee, Lord.

O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

Be Thou so near to me;

Throughout this vale of death, to trust,

Be Thou my sanctuary.

(Tune: Belmont; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 4th May 2024)

Mid Fearful Trial

A fearful trial await Thy Bride,

A great and fearful day;

For those who in Thy word abide,

Whose minds upon Thee stay.

Through water, Lord, and through the fire,

For those who'll not conform;

Prison awaits, and suff'ring dire,

Who seek Thy Bride's reform.

Idol shepherds, show contempt,

Corrupt Thy word of truth;

Crying sins, from out the pit,

Throughout the nation's breadth.

O keep not silent, Thou, dear Lord,

Speak Thou and wake the dead;

Return us to Thy fear, O God,

And purify our land.

Our trust's in Thee, the strength of Christ,

Forsake us not, Thy flock;

But draw us nigh unto Thy breast,

Be Thou our Shield and Rock.

(Tune: Palestrina; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 5th May 2024)

Jesus My Lord!

Jesus my Lord, so full of grace and truth,

Compassionate, and full of kindness too;

Tears for the lost, a heart of sympathy,

Take me and make me Lord, just like You.

Jesus my Lord, a Shepherd and true Friend,

Unwearied labours, seeking out the lost,

Grace and compassion right to the end,

Your sheep to seek and save, and what a cost?

Jesus my Lord, I give myself to You,

Give me Your grace and heart of sympathy;

Tears for the lost, a heart sincere and true,

To tell the world, of - Calvary.

Jesus my Lord, to spend and to be spent,

All for Your glory and Your Kingdom's sake;

Watchful and prayerful, love sincerely felt,

Close to You, Lord, Your love to ne'er forsake.

(Tune: Eventide; 10 10. 10 10)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 17th March 2024)

Time for Prayer!

Lord, let the dew of heaven fall,

Awake us from this sleep;

And on Thy name again to call,

The watchful hour to keep.

Upon the watchtower, Lord, to stand,

Both night and day to seek;

To ask and knock at Thy command,

Thy kingdom, Lord, to take.

Lord, come refresh our wilting souls,

That we may seek Thy face;

To wait on Thee, upon our knees,

For Thy renewing grace;

One single quiet hour of prayer,

Alone with Thee our God;

Until You come to us in power,

And know Thy nearness, Lord.

(Tune: Zalsburg; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 18th March 2024)


Have you heard the Saviour's call,

To go, and seek the lost?

For Him you love, to give your all,

Whatever it might cost.

The hour is late, He's coming soon,

The midnight call is near;

A world that's broke and sunk in sin,

In hopelessness and fear.

O who will go, with broken heart,

A burning heart of love;

To tell of Christ and call apart,

The lost He came to save.

How shall they hear, the Master said,

Unless the gospel's preached?

Lay down your life, the world to tread,

Until the lost are reached.

Go, Jesus said, to all the world,

And preach His lovely name;

The banner of His love unfurl,

And glorify Your King.

(Tune: Kilmarnock; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 19th March 2024)

Spirit of the Living God!

O Spirit of the living God,

Come in Thy quickening power;

With holy unction on Thy word,

And sinners' hearts to stir.

O Breath of God, breathe on us now,

Awaken sleeping souls;

Without a care and on the brow,

Of everlasting loss.

Spirit Divine, Thy servants rouse,

To pray and preach with tears;

From fruitless service set us loose,

In power, come rend our hearts.

Spirit of God, Thy servants fill,

Baptise us Holy Ghost;

The preaching of Thy word to seal,

Salvation to the lost.

Spirit of God, open our eyes,

To see again the Christ;

To preach His blood, lift up His cross,

In Spirit-given power.

Holy Spirit, of God and Christ,

Not wealth and honour give;

But let us live, for this exist,

Men's souls from hell to save.

(Tune: Belmont; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 19th March 2024)


Lord, care Thou not that men are lost,

In myriads going to hell;

With none to preach and speak of Christ,

And of His love to tell.

Lord, raise up men and call them out,

And give them hearts that burn;

With love for Thee and for the lost,

From sin and death to turn.

Lord, give us sons of thunder now,

To cry and give no rest;

That trembling sinners yet may bow,

Before Thy Son, Thy Christ.

Lord, give us men with hearts of love,

Filled with the Holy Ghost;

No fear of man but strong and brave,

And save a mighty host.

Lord, show Thy mercy once again,

Before the Judge descends;

And send that blessed latter rain,

Grant life that never ends.

(Tune: Ayrshire; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 20th March 2024)

Who Will Go?

Who will with the gospel, go?

Into the world for Christ:

To preach His word that men might know,

The Father's precious gift.

Who will a dying world tell,

Of Jesus and His love;

Of how He came to earth to dwell,

And die the lost to save.

Who will to sinners go, and bid,

Be reconciled to God;

The way is open, Christ has died,

And raised up from the dead.

Who will tell of God's great love,

For rebels, lost, undone;

So save them from the eternal grave,

In sending them his Son.

Who will their life for Christ lay down,

And pay the utmost cost;

To bear his cross, receive a crown,

You cannot suffer loss.

(Tune: Orton; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 21st March 2024)

A Heart of Tears!

Give me a heart of tears,

For man, who's lost in sin;

A heart upon my knees that breaks,

And burns with love within.

Remove the hardness, Lord,

And shift the unbelief;

Increase my faith, my trust in God,

To speak the word of life.

A heart like Yours, dear Lord,

Compassionate and kind;

For those upon the road that's broad,

And in their sin made blind.

O with a heart that burns,

To go and lift my voice;

Proclaim Thy love, a heart that yearns,

To see them saved by grace.

Come, stir within me, Lord,

To feel Thy presence near,

To walk with Thee, the narrow road,

And none but Thee to fear.

(Tune: Naomi; SM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 23rd March 2024)

Too Much?

What thanks, dear Lord, I owe to You,

How best can I express?

My sin, my death, yes, all my due,

You bore upon the cross.

What sacrifice of zeal's too much,

What length's too far to go?

To take Your dying love to such,

As need Your grace to know.

What scoffing shame can I not bear,

What suffering's too great?

A world of sin and guilt You bore,

To open heaven's gate.

There's nothing, Lord, You cannot ask,

No sacrifice too great;

For You, I give myself to task,

My all without restraint.

(Tune: St Andrew; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 22nd March 2024)

The Blessed Cross!

The blessed cross, God's ointment vial,

He broke before the world;

His broken Son for men so vile,

His love for us unfurled.

The perfume of that precious blood,

Poured out, its every drop;

Heaven and the earth its fragrance filled,

For lost and ruined sheep.

The sweetness of that sacrifice,

An odour pure as then;

For all man's sin, it's still suffice,

And will be to the end.

God's love in giving us his Son,

To spill his precious blood;

What love that we should go to heaven,

His love our souls to flood.

(Tune: Retreat; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 2nd March 2024)

Jesus Welcomes Sinners!

Jesus, he welcomes sinners, still,

Come one and all, he cries;

His grace and love in measure full,

Down from his cross, it streams.

Jesus, he welcomes sinners, come,

However weak and sore;

'Twas all your sin, your guilt and shame,

Upon his cross, he bore.

Jesus, he welcomes sinners, all,

Out from the depths of sin;

He'll wash and cleanse, he'll take it all,

And save your precious soul.

Jesus, he welcomes sinners, in,

Into his heart of love;

To melt and break the power of sin,

Come now, O come, and live!

(Tune: Salzburg; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 4th March 2024)

Woe and Endless Wrath!

Forever woe and endless wrath,

Is all my just dessert;

My sin's so gross, what am I worth?

A worm and sinking fast.

I need a Christ and one of worth,

Divine, incarnate God;

To bear my sin and take my death,

And lift my heavy load.

What dreadful evil in one sin,

Enough to ruin God's world;

No angel's love, nor power my own,

Can bring me back to God.

I need a Saviour Christ, the Lord,

To silence Anger's voice;

The Son of God who bled and died,

And by his blood made peace.

O Jesus, come, O come to me,

In your atoning love;

Your cross, your blood, my only plea,

My precious soul to save.

(Tune: Ayrshire; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 6th March 2024)

Electing Love!

O to know the Saviour's love,

Who died to save his own;

Was it for me he died to save,

From all my death and sin.

How can I climb that mount so high?

Of his electing grace;

And be assured he came to die,

And bring to me his peace.

Where can my poor lost soul find rest,

That mount I can't ascend;

Or on its lofty slopes set foot,

And grace to apprehend.

He calls you sinner, to himself,

His Person come and see;

That mount you cannot climb yourself,

O sinner, come to me!

Leave all your doubt and all your fear,

Come to the Lamb who saves;

Into his arms of love draw near,

He died that you might live.

(Tune: Kilmarnock; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 7th March 2024)

Sweet  Communion!

My conscience craves for peace within,

My heart dear Lord for Thee;

To walk with Thee in sweet commune,

For all eternity.

The sprinkling of Thy precious blood,

That's dealt with all my sin;

But fellowship with Thee my God,

It is a taste of heaven.

Communion with my risen Lord,

Thy presence everywhere;

To keep me and my soul to guide,

Be with me, Lord, be near.

Precious Jesus, hold me close,

In life and death, my Friend;

For this you died and then arose,

In life that ne'er shall end.

(Tune: Ballerma; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 9th March 2024)

My Every Sin!

My every sin it speaks within,

It tells me of my guilt;

Of God being wronged by every sin,

From my deceitful heart.

Spirit of God, make plain to me,

My conscience craves for peace;

To see the blood, shed on that tree,

To grant me sweet release.

O let me see the Son of God,

In all his glory be;

My Lord and God, my crucified,

A sacrifice for me.

For every sin, I've ever done,

His life poured out in love;

That covers every blot and stain,

My life and soul to save.

O mighty Jesus, Lamb of God,

Thy love for me I plead;

Your all-atoning powerful blood,

That for my sin you died.

What love is this I contemplate,

God's so amazing grace;

That for a life of sin and hate,

To grant eternal rest.

(Tune: Grafenberg; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 8th March 2024)

Man of Sorrows!

The man of sorrows, Son of God,

Alone upon the sacred tree;

He bore our sin, he bled and died,

To save both you and me.

He bore the cross, curséd death,

The sinless son of man;

Not fit for heaven nor fit for earth,

Abandoned and forsaken.

O sinner see your just desserts,

He bore this curse for thee;

That hellish cross, he took your part,

From sin, to set you free.

What kind of love, O love this is,

He came to take your shame,

For you to know the joyful bliss,

Of vict'ry in his name.

So sinner come, beneath that cross,

And see the Saviour's love;

For you, for you, these agonies,

He bore that you might live.

(Tune: Retreat, CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton, written 26th, January 2024)


The Lamb amidst the throne,

God’s seat of wondrous grace;

A Lamb that once for sin was slain,

Jesus, my great high priest.

A sacrifice for sin,

That’s opened up the way;

For God’s free love and grace to run,

The price for sin to pay.

Jesus, He is the way,

God’s only place of rest;

Now grace it reigns, and mercy free,

For all that trust in Christ.

Come sinners one and all,

God’s Lamb He bids you come;

Hear from His throne His gracious call:

To rest in God’s dear Lamb.

Grace, grace and grace alone,

For sinners set before;

The vilest sin, the most unclean,

His blood makes most pure.

(Tune: Naomi, SM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton, written 14th, January 2024)


When stormy winds and billows blow,

And tides, they rise and fall;

Your promised hand, that won't let go,

An anchor for my soul.

When forces dark, around me fly,

And seek to bring me down;

Jesus, my Lord, to You I cry,

My God, to You alone.

When friends and family let me down,

I'm  left without a friend;

To You I come, to You I turn,

On Whom, I can depend.

When faced with Jordan's steep descent,

Below the raging wave;

I shall not fear, I shall not shrink,

Your hand shall still its rage.

When I stand in judgment, Lord,

Before Your awful throne;

Washed and cleansed in Jesus' blood,

In righteousness Your own.

(Tune: Orton, CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton, written 22nd, December 2023)


Thou holy Son of God, most pure

Thou'st set Thyself apart for us,

Hallowéd be Thy name and power,

We sanctify Thee Lord of hosts.

Thou Holy One of God, most high,

Suffered outside Jerusalem;

Were set apart to bleed and die,

To set us free from sin and shame.

Thou suffering Servant of the LORD,

Who loved his bride and died for her;

To consecrate her by Thy blood,

And make us altogether pure.

Thou Holy Son of Man, God's Christ,

We sanctify Thy hallowed name;

For in Thy name alone we trust,

To pardon us and move our shame.

(Tune: Retreat, CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton, written 10th, June 2014)


Trust, O my soul, alone in Christ,

The Father's Only Son;

From all eternity begot,

The Spirit-anointed One.

The Father's One, eternal Son,

In whom the Father dwells;

The perfect radiance of His Being,

His brightness fully shines.

Spirit of God and Jesus Christ,

Shine in our hearts today;

Reveal the Son, the Father's grace,

And with us ever stay.

Trust, O my soul, in Father's love,

His Son to die for me;

That through His death and life to live,

With God eternally.

(Tune: Ayrshire; (CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 21st December 2023)


My God, my Father, and my Friend,

From all eternity;

In God Himself, forever loved,

Within the Trinity.

My God before the world began,

His love, He set on me;

Gave me, drew me, to His Son,

From sin, He set me free.

My God has pledged Himself to me,

In covenant love and grace;

Throughout all time, eternally,

My Saviour and my Peace.

My God has kept me, throughout these years,

Through trials and many falls;

He holds me fast, in all my fears,

His love, just never fails.

My God, my Father, and my Friend,

Eternal Triune love;

My love for Him shall never end,

With Him to ever live.

(Tune: Retreat; (CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 20th December 2023)


Under the shadow of the cross,

Where Jesus bled and died;

That's all I have, my only boast,

For me, He spilt His blood.

Under the cross, I see my sin,

And see God's holy wrath;

My sin, my guilt, my shame, my blame,

For me, He suffered death.

Under the cross, my heart's delight,

My constant dwelling place;

For there God shone His beams of light,

To see His glorious grace.

Under the cross, in trembling joy,

It's there I take my stand;

Before God's grace and majesty,

Before Him uncondemned.

Under the cross, I'll watch and pray,

And tell the world of Christ;

And preach of Him, Who sin can slay,

At such an awesome cost.

Under the cross, now fear is gone,

Where peace and joy I found;

And now to stand, and stand alone,

The cross is all my pride.

(Tune: Irish; (CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 19th December 2023)


O thou my soul, in God take thy delight,

Open my heart, Lord, let Thy glory fill;

The radiance of, Thy love and glorious light,

Ravish me God, and overflow my soul.

O thou my soul, God has been good to Thee,

Steadfast in love, and bounteous in grace;

Poured out on thee, so undeservedly,

Now peace with God, O all surpassing peace.

O thou my soul, praise God on high above,

Immense and holy, compassionate is He;

Gracious and kind, and powerful to save,

Shine Jesus shine! Pour out Thy grace on me.

O thou my soul, walk with thy God alone,

In love with Him, delighting in Thy God;

One with His people sat around His throne;

Praise, worship, glory to, Christ my Lord!

(Tune: Eventide; (10. 10. 10. 10)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 18th December 2023)


Behold, the Son of God made flesh,

In nature one with us;

To bless a sinful world with peace,

Remove from us the curse.

Behold, the Lamb of God He comes,

Forth from the virgin's womb;

To die our death, to take our sins,

And leave that empty tomb.

Behold, the Son of righteousness,

Incarnate deity;

Both God and man, in one, to bless,

And make us one with Thee.

Behold, the Saviour of the world,

Our God, Immanuel;

Peace on earth, and mercy mild,

He comes to reconcile.

Behold, our Jesus, Lord and Christ,

Unite us one with Thee;

Thy beams of life, and love and light,

Fill us, eternally.

(Tune: Bishopthorpe; (CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 17th December 2023)


Spirit of God, open my eyes,

To see, and to behold;

The majesty and radiance,

And glory of my God.

Spirit of God, Your glory shine,

Excessive grace and light;

His love, His joy, In me be seen,

Be all my chief delight.

Spirit of God, what peace is mine,

Through faith in Jesus' blood;

Such kindness and so freely given;

And mine to show the world.

Spirit of God, Your gracious love,

Be seen in me by all;

As given to me, to freely give,

To sinners one and all.

Spirit of God, the Triune God,

That man, His glory see;

The radiant beauty of the Lord,

My God, be seen in me.

(Tune: Salzburg; (CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 15th December 2023)


Jesus, the overflowing fount,

Of love and gentleness;

Who spreads His life, His warmth and light,

His Father's tenderness.

Jesus, the Father's only Son,

Sent down from heaven above;

God's well-beloved, anointed One,

That you might know His love.

Jesus, by Whom all things were made,

Delights to flood with grace;

And in the world, His love to spread,

And bring eternal peace.

Jesus, the power of love divine,

He came to live and die;

More power in Him than in your sin,

Forever set you free.

Jesus, before Your cross I bow,

My sovereign Lord and King;

That I with wonder, love, and awe,

Of Your great glory sing.

Jesus my Lord, then send me out,

Myself, my life to give;

To others free from sin and guilt,

To know the Father's love.

(Tune: Retreat; (CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 14th December 2023)


Do not rebuke me, Lord,

Nor chasten me I pray;

In Your displeasure with Your rod,

Nor treat me angrily.

Have mercy on me, Lord,

For I am weak and sore;

O heal me Lord my bones are vexed,

How long till You restore?

Return and rescue Lord,

Because of Your mercies;

In death You will, You’ll be forgot,

None from the grave shall praise.

I groan in weariness,

My bed I flood with tears;

Because of all my enemies,

The grief has worn my eyes.

You evil workers, go,

Depart from me all ye;

The Lord has heard my voice of woe,

You work iniquity.

The Lord has heard my plea,

Has answered to my prayer;

Let them be turned my enemy,

In terror and in fear.

(Tune: Trentham; Dennis; SM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton, written, 14th, February 2005)


O sinner come, and come you may,

To yonder blood-stained cross;

Go straight to Him, without delay,

You will not suffer loss.

O sinner come, to Him who calls,

Who died upon the tree;

Come to Him, though your many falls,

His blood's your perfect plea.

O sinner come, for Christ has died,

Look unto me, He said;

Away from self, to Him who's dead,

His reconciling blood.

O sinner come, with empty hand,

No money, no, nor price;

His nail-pierced hands, his wounded side,

Received from His free grace.

O sinner come, come now to Christ,

To yonder blood-stained cross;

Lay down your burden at His feet,

His love has paid the cost.

(Tune: Irish; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 12th December 2023)


What bond of love, in covenant with my God,

Ordered and sure, an everlasting bond;

Formed and secured, and sealed with His own blood,

Jehovah-Jesus, my covenant Lord.

God’s covenant love, and fellowship so sweet,

His life in me, eternal and divine;

To live with Him, my soul forever blest,

I am my Lord’s, and He is ever mine.

God’s covenant grace and mercy undeserved,

Rescued from sin, its death and all its power;

To me a sinner, now I’m reconciled,

One with my Father, now and evermore.

My covenant God, my Father and my Friend,

What warmth and beauty, comfort for my soul;

Embraced in love, all fear is now removed,

This is my life, salvation, and my all.

My covenant Lord, my Shepherd and my Guide,

E’en through death’s valley, He’ll be with me there;

With rod and staff, His comfort to afford.

This is my God, and this my heart’s desire.

(Tune: Eventide; (10. 10. 10. 10)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 11th December 2023)


Spirit of God, teach us to pray,

To find delight in God;

And boldly come both night and day,

Through Christ’s most precious blood.

Spirit of God, grant us the sense,

Of God our Father’s love;

The sweet accord and free access,

To all Thy people giv’n.

Spirit of God, through Christ our Lord,

The new and living way;

To bring to Thee our every need,

O teach us, Lord, to pray?


Almighty, everlasting God,

Show mercy, Lord, to us;

Before Thy throne we bow and plead,

Our hearts to purify and cleanse.

Thy cov’nant, Lord, forget it not,

In pity, God, forgive;

Thy judgments and displeasure hot,

Remove, that we may live.

Thou Spirit of converting grace,

Turn us, and we’ll be turned;

Again to know Thy love and peace,

Thou Whom we’ve hurt and grieved.

Thy blood-bought bride whom Thou hast chose,

Now wandered, Lord, from Thee;

Bewitched by sin and by the world,

Cries, mercy, Lord, to me!

Jesus, our Lord, and Shepherd still,

Our faithful covenant God;

We turn again to do Thy will,

Renew us now, we plead. 

(Tune: Retreat; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 9th December 2023)


Eternal God, and Paraclete,

Spirit of love divine;

Show me the things of Jesus Christ,

And that He’s fully mine.

Eternal God, and Comforter,

Come, bring the cross of Christ;

To cleanse my sin and kill its power

And purify my heart.

Eternal God, and Counsellor,

Spirit of sovereign grace;

The earn’st of heaven, my heart assure, 

And bring Thy lasting peace

Eternal God, the promised Help,

Spirit of righteousness;

With love and joy, abounding hope,

And heaven’s blessédness

Eternal God, the Breath of heaven,

Breathe on my soul today;

To know Thee near, Thy power within,

And live eternally.

(Tune: Salzburg; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 7th December 2023)


Abiding in His love,

The Father's tender care;

To rise above, in faith to live,

Life's many storms and fears.

His unchangeable love,

The Father's whispered grace;

O let its warmth, and let it leave,

Your soul in perfect peace.

The Father's steadfast love,

Midst dark and troubling thoughts;

O rest your soul and rise above,

To heaven's quiet rest.

The Father's love in Christ,

Before the world began;

That we might taste, unmixed delight,

And with our God commune.

So rest your soul in love,

Rise up from all your cares;

And walk with God in heaven above,

In Father's love so dear.

(Tune: Naomi; SM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 5th December 2023)


Jesus, He comes, the second time,

To show His Father's glory;

O what a day, O how sublime,

What grace and majesty!

Jesus, He comes, the second time,

In glory shall appear;

God blessed forever, all divine,

And blessed forever more.

Jesus, He comes the second time,

The holy, Son of Man;

His people bless, and gather them,

And take them all to heaven.

Jesus, He comes the second time,

And His angelic throng;

To take His blood-bought throng with Him,

To glorify their King.

Jesus, He comes the second time,

Appearing on the clouds;

The Blessed God, He comes, He comes,

In glory, Jesus comes!

(Tune: Ayrshire; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 4th December 2023)


When life is done, and Jordan's waters flow,

Peace like a river, let it fill my soul;

Stand with me, Jesus, make my heart  aglow,

Enflamed with love, and with your glory full.

When on the banks, of Jordan, Lord, I stand,

Yeah, be Thou with me, take away all fear;

Uphold me then, with Your righteous mighty hand,

Be with me then, although the waters roar.

Lord, when I place, my foot in Jordan's swell,

Trusting in Thee, my great redeeming God;

Uphold me through, death's dark and dreary vale,

Be Thou my comfort with Thy staff and rod.

When Lord, I cross, the raging Jordan's swell,

And place my foot, on heaven's tableland;

Then shall I see Thee, and my heart shall thrill,

Then shall I fully know and understand.

(Tune: Eventide; 10. 10. 10. 10)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 3rd December 2023)


What joy was set before the King,

After the cross and shame;

Received and taken on the wing;

Of heaven's delight and fame.

Extolled, exalted very high,

While angels gazed in awe;

The Son who stooped so low to die,

And crowned in glory now.

Our God came down in Jesus Christ,

Returned in human form;

God manifest in human flesh,

Jehovah, God, I AM.

Jehovah-Jesus has gone up;

And with a glorious shout;

With angel praise and sound of trump;

Lift up your heads, ye gates.

Let us before Him prostrate fall,

Our prophet, priest and King;

Submit to Him, give Him your all,

Your worship to Him bring.

What mighty gifts and blessings flow,

From Jesus' throne above;

Eternal life both here and now,

And everlastingr love.

(Tune: Kilmarnock; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 1st December 2023)


O Hear my words, give ear O Lord,

Regard my inmost thoughts;

O hear my cry, my King and God,

Pay heed to my request.

O listen to me as I pray,

Each morning as I cry;

I wait, I pray, I look to Thee,

And wait for Thy reply.

Thou'rt not a God that’s pleased with sin,

No evil with Thee dwells;

The proud with Thee they cannot stand,

Nor in Thy sight have fools.

Thou shalt destroy them that tell lies,

Who murder and deceive;

But I because of Thy mercies,

In fear will worship Thee.

Lead me O Lord in righteousness,

Make straight Thy way for me;

Give me, to me, the great conquest,

To beat my enemy.

There is with them no faithfulness,

Their throats are like the grave;

Their mouths and hearts spew wickedness,

Their evil to contrive.

Destroy them God and let them fall,

Their counsels, them condemn;

For they against Thee do rebel,

From Thee O Lord, cast them.

But those who trust in Thee rejoice,

For Thy defence Thou givest;

Your righteous people Thou wilt bless,

And shield them with Thy love.

(Tune: Belmont; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton, written, 12th, February 2004)


Who being in, the form of God,

In nature all Divine;

The Person of the Son of God,

In nature found as man.

Heaven and earth, astonished be,

God veiled in human form;

To bear our sin upon the tree,

He of the virgin born.

He suffered as none other did,

Fulfilled His Father's will;

Upon the cross, He spilt His blood,

In love, He climbed that hill.

The Man of Sorrows, long ago,

In deep humility;

Laid in the tomb, the grave laid low,

In death, for us to die.

The Eternal Word, for us, made flesh,

To conquer sin and death;

That we by His, free love and grace,

Receive His life, through faith.

(Tune: Ayrshire; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 29th November 2023)


Incarnate God and virgin-born,

The Son of God from old;

Ancient of Days, both God and man,

The prophets all foretold.

The glories of Emmanuel,

A Son to us was born;

Who was to come and with us dwell,

God's own eternal Son.

All of the prophets testify,

The glories of God's Man;

Humble Himself and for us die,

Writ large and clearly seen.

God's precious sacrificial Lamb,

His blood for us was spilt;

Uniting saints of every land,

One church in Jesus Christ.

Come unto to me, yes, one and all,

And I will give you rest;

Lay down your burdens, let them fall,

Receive His righteousness.

(Tune: Retreat Tune; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 28th November 2023)


Jehovah Jesus, glory be!

Unclouded deity;

Unveiled in time, for all to see,

For all humanity.

Jehovah God, our righteousness,

From heaven to earth He came;

Our souls to save, our hearts to bless,

Remove our shame and blame.

Jehovah God, our covenant Friend;

Unchangeably the same;

For now, forever, to the end,

Stepped down, for us He came.

Jehovah Jesus, glory be!

Almighty, glorious One;

Our God, our Christ, our liberty,

Our conquering, risen Son.

(Tune: Salzburg; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 27th November 2023)


In Christ, the holiness of God,

Is seen most perfectly;

In equal power and glory read,

For all mankind to see.

In Christ see, what man has lost,

That beauteous holiness;

Engulfed in sin, and tempest-tossed,

Now fallen and defaced.

In Christ behold the wrath, Divine,

His Lamb upon the cross;

To take the due, the curse for sin,

Behold, God's holiness.

In Christ and His atoning blood,

Is found our only way;

From sin and death, and back to God,

Jesus the price to pay.

In Christ, is found the righteousness,

Performed and perfectly;

By God's own Son, in holiness,

And ours, the victory!

(Tune: Effingham; CM)

(© Jimmy Hamilton – Written 26th November 2023)


I'm justified by grace,

Set free for evermore;

And now with God, I am at peace,

To love and to adore.

I now rejoice in hope,

That will not disappoint;

No longer in the dark to grope,